I'm thinking about buying my first axolotl. I've read numerous websites for information and have set up my aquarium, using pebbles as substrate, i've made a spray bar the length of the tank and attached it to the filter to avoid a strong current. have some plants and a piece of pipe for a hiding place for him/her. Current water temperature is 18degrees C. My tank has been set up and running for a week now. I plan on keeping 1 axolotl, my tank mesaures 60x35x30cm. Is there anything else i should know or need to do to ensure the best possible start for my new pet? Grateful for any information you can give me
Hi Laura, Welcome to the forum Sounds like you have everything in place, make sure you use very large pebbles (not small gravel - if it gets eaten it won't pass and can cause impaction) keep the tank as cool as possible - too hot and your axy will get heat stress.
There's a care sheet on the main website although you may have already found it: